“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Unknown

Monday, January 08, 2007

belated seasons greetings and 10 lbs later

merry christmas. better late than never. christmas is one of those holidays that you really never end up with enough time to prepare for properly. every year, i know it's coming... and yet every year, a couple days before christmas i'm running around like a crazy woman trying to get everything ready for the big day. and every year, we start getting christmas treats and cards delivered to our door sometime around the end of November, and every year burton and i say to each other "man... we're the worst friends ever... we need to take something to people... " and every year... nothing happens. but to all of you who so faithfully leave treats on our doorstep or send cards in the mail, we love you. to the rest of you... this is why we're friends. we're here to make each other feel better about being such slackers. :)

and now... happy new year. it's that time of year when everyone dedicates themselves to a long list of resolutions about a new diet and their bad food habits and their trips -- or lack of trips -- to the gym and their portion sizes... basically anything having to do with their weight. since deciding on my resolutions, i've managed to not go to the gym once yet, eat at least 8 AMAZING chocolate chip cookies in one sitting (burton puts betty crocker to shame anyday!), enjoy some amazing chocoloate fondue and eat pizza twice. YES! off to a great start! may your new year be much more effective and 10 pounds lighter. :)

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