“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Unknown

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

shoes off at the door rockstar!

so, after taking a week-long break from blogging (for no reason, other than the fact that i had nothing really interesting to say), i've decided to return. still, nothing particularly interesting has happened. THOUGH....

we did get a new doorbell that makes me feel like i live in a seniors home everytime it rings (loud, long... unnecessarily obnoxious). and we did get some fun new stuff at IKEA... all hail IKEA. and we do have a dishwasher and a washing machine and a dryer now... which is basically the same thing as heaven. and we did get our new couches a couple of weeks ago, which i failed to mention, even though we've been waiting for said-couches since we bought them in MARCH (the store kindly held them until we had a place big enough to use them). oh, and did i mention they're white? well... maybe cream. but STILL... yes, we are the idiots who spent a small fortune on WHITE couches. as in, i will try really hard not to think about what may or may not be on the seat of your pants as you're in the process of sitting down on them. as in, i wear socks so i can put my feet on the couch and not worry about the dirt that has built up from a day of wearing flip-flops. as in, right now these couches are white, but in a couple of years they will be a dull and dingy gray. but right now, while they're still new and unsoiled... they're awesome. and you can still bring your kids over... we have a warranty.

OH! and the title of this blog post makes me laugh. when burton was on his mission in indiana, he came upon a door that had this sign hanging on it. so he took a picture with it... because, well... it's just kind of funny. anyway... i've decided i want to make this sign for my own door. i've sort of become a "shoes on in the house" kind of person in recent years. but with the new white couches and the carpet that's actually worth taking your shoes off for, i feel it's time to return to my canadian roots of taking my shoes off. but i don't want to be pretentious and snobbish about it and paint "please kindly remove your shoes" on some crafty piece of wood (not that any of my friends or family who do this are pretentious and snobbish... open mouth, insert foot)... i want something that gets the point across whilst bolstering their self-esteem; thus the added "rockstar" compliment at the end. i mean, really... who doesn't want to be a rockstar? AND when REAL rockstars come over, they'll know that they are not excluded from my rule. so... it's either this sign or i'm considering resurrecting my door hanging from the days of hanging signs on your bedroom door... it said "Stay Out"... which i think would be pretty funny -- and awesomely awkward -- to hang on your front door... don't you think?

so... what's new and exciting in your life? AND... if you could hang a sign on your door (or already do), what would it say?

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Blogger Megan said...

I like the idea of "Beware, baby fluids abound."

September 20, 2007 1:15 PM

Blogger Melinda Jones said...

Janaya, love the blog. You say what everyone else is thinking! I especially liked your comment on the cheesy little signs asking for shoes to be removed...classic.
p.s. We miss you guys too.

September 22, 2007 11:33 AM

Blogger Kate said...

I totally agree with shoes off at the door... so if I ever come over- I will take my shoes off- (you might have to see my unkept toes...) anyways- I just hung two pictures in my entry that say;(wait I have to go see....)"Love makes a happy home" and "enter with a happy heart"... I don't have a sign that says please remove your shoes- but I have a basket by the door with all of my kids and our shoes- so I think people get the hint! (sorry this was so long!)

September 22, 2007 10:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh, still here reading and love this line: "and we do have a dishwasher and a washing machine and a dryer now... which is basically the same thing as heaven." Ha! and Amen!

September 25, 2007 11:08 PM

Blogger Cormorant said...

My funny sign that I hang in my laundry room: "Laundry room. Drop your pants here."

September 27, 2007 11:13 AM

Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

Removing shoes at the door is an excellent thing to do.

I dedicated an whole blog to this subject:

Shoes Off at the Door, Please

February 22, 2008 8:56 AM


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