“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Unknown

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

out from under the boxes

for your information, and to brag a little that we have so many awesome friends... 5 family members + 8 friends = unloading 2 fully-loaded trucks and 2 fully-loaded trailers in THIRTY MINUTES! that has got to be a record. anyway... we're all moved in and life is starting to feel a little back to normal. que the hallelujah chorus.

so, after a few days of unpacking the mountain of boxes, setting up furniture, buying more furniture to assemble ('cause we love it so much), and trying to live amongst the chaos for a few days, we finally got to the point where we could start running normal errands... like grocery shopping. i felt giddy at the thought of getting in my car and driving the short 10-15 minute drive to super walmart (que the hallelujah chorus again). no DC traffic to fight with. no realization that walmart is just walmart in DC... nothing super about it. no GPS navigation system to bark commands at me while i make my way through the maze of DC streets. free at last!

however... have you ever been to walmart on labor day? as in, the day before school starts? my worst experiences at walmart in utah, historically, have been on saturdays... you know... saturday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for sunday... all at the same time all over this beautiful state. anyway, this was much worse than any saturday experience. i will say that i was impressed that most people were kind... which is more than i can say for most saturday experiences, but it was still crazy nonetheless. it was a mix of freshman with their parents buying all their school stuff and clearly excited for the new adventure and milking mom and dad for all they were worth, the seasoned college student back from a summer vacation and moping about buying groceries which they will forever feel the need to label with their initials, newly married college students having their first fight over which brand to buy, married students married more than at least 9 months chasing crazy kids all over the store, and the occasional average citizen shaking their head at the chaos. i got stuck behind a large hispanic woman who felt the need to take a "stroll" down the aisles and make passing impossible. i felt the tingles up my spine as the freshman females squealed and giggled from all sides. i searched and searched for the items on my list but found empty shelf after empty shelf. and to top it all off, i stood in line for THIRTY MINUTES to check out. i literally could have moved in to my new apartment in the time it took to check out at walmart.

anyway, all in all... it's good to be back. it's good to be home. it's good to see great friends. it's nice to have my bed back and my clothes back and my box of random crap i can't throw away back. yeah for provo. :)


Blogger jayne wells said...

Glad you're back! Yes, I hate moving and I'm a bad organizer/packer too so it is the worst. I swear the Walmart thing is too typical! Be glad you weren't in the Provo Canyon last night around 5--it took us 2 hours to get home because of the traffic!

September 04, 2007 3:58 PM

Blogger Esther J. Clarke said...

why are you back in provo..school???? or your hubby's family live there??? don't get me wrong, i love it down there... my best friend lives in SLC so i would LOVE to move there, but the possibilities dissapear by the minute :(

September 05, 2007 12:30 PM

Blogger janaya said...

esther: we're just back in provo for two more semesters while burton finishes up school. he'll graduate in april and then we'll be off to the east coast for good (or at least a few years).

September 05, 2007 1:34 PM


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