“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Unknown

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

just try to relax...

ok... i'm sorry to bring this up again... but it's making me laugh. and i do realize that there are males who read my blog... you should probably just stop reading this one right now.

i just keep thinking about how humorous the whole yearly OBGYN experience is. i mean, ya... it's not actually humorous... it's more like... totally lame. but if you think about some of the things that are said or that you think during your OBGYN experience, it's pretty freaking funny.

like, for example, when you're taken in to the examination room, and they hand you two things: a sheet for your legs (which is actually an oversized papertowel) and a half gown for your top (which is also an oversized papertowel... with arm holes in it). and they say to you "you can put this top on either direction, it's up to you if you want it to open at the front or the back". seems simple enough. not that funny... until i found myself staring at it like it was some big decision. "well, i don't know... which way covers me up the most?" well, let's see... neither! really, i might as well have left it all on the chair and sat there naked, because frankly what you would like to remain covered is in fact about to be exposed.

or how about the point at which they say to you "ok... try to relax." ... ummmm! what?! how the crap am i supposed to be anywhere even NEAR a state of relaxation with what feels like an entire fist inside my uterus pushing all my pieces around?! i have a hard enough time relaxing when i'm lying in my bed at night, with all my clothes on and my legs in a totally normal position. THIS situation does not warrant relaxation.... EVER. so don't try to convince me of it, doc.

or what about the friendly chit chat about where i'm from and what my husband is studying in school while he's nearing second base under my "paper gown". i promise you, we are both keenly aware that the only purpose of this conversation is to fill the awkward silence of the moment.

anyway... you get my point. it's kinda funny. in a "it's been about a week since my appointment, so i've finally shaken the feeling of total violation" kind of way.

so, what's the funniest thing you've ever heard (or overheard) or said at the doctor's office?



Blogger Kate said...

Girl I have been in the stirrups more times then I can count, and I hate to tell you, it doesn't really ever get less awkward! But I have to agree that silly paper vest is terrible!!

September 26, 2007 8:54 PM

Blogger Mrs. Dub said...

this is a secondhand account, but a friend of a friend went to freshen up down there before her gyno appointment but accidentally overlooked her feminine spray and used her daughter's glitter hairspray instead. when she got undressed the doctor awkwardly remarked, "wow, you're so festive!"

September 26, 2007 9:00 PM

Blogger Kateastrophe said...

Second base . . . hehehehe.

My very first OB/GYN realized mid-exam that I went to school with his super hot son and started talking about him. I happened to have a crush on him as well so it was AWKWARD!!

Also, my bishop was my surgeon for a tumor in my breast. He walked up to me in church the Sunday after the surgery and asked how "the area" was feeling. Oooooh gosh.

September 27, 2007 12:34 AM

Blogger Melanie said...

It was probably how the nurse called one of the instruments a "spatula"... kind of put me off cooking for a little while.

September 27, 2007 8:34 AM

Blogger Cormorant said...

So funny that I was talking with my friend about this same thing the other day. We both related that for some STUPID reason we each had forgotten to wear deodorant at our last appointments. Who forgets that? And on such an important day? Needless to say when my friend's doc asked her to put her arms behind her head, she was a little hesitant.
PS-I recently had a doc that was NOT discrete about the breast exam. No reaching from the side or leaving part of the "paper gown" on. He had me leave them both out there in the middle of the room. AWKWARD! But what do you say? No?

September 27, 2007 11:09 AM

Blogger Lizzie said...

After telling me to change I had a doctor say "and then we'll take a quick peek" Quick peek...what? I actually ended up NOT changing and there was no peeking at my privates.

September 27, 2007 1:10 PM

Blogger Wonderland Girl said...

once i was still changing when the doctor "knocked" and barged in and he (after having seen it all numerous times anyway) said, "Oh, you didn't need to take THAT off." Okay, so I am irritated for 2 reasons: 1. I was super embarressed and my face goes red for days after I get embaressed and 2. Now I have to WAIT! Some more! While he does whatever for another 20 minutes because they figure that it takes that long to get the clothes back on. ugh. Good times.

September 27, 2007 7:04 PM

Blogger Higa said...

Americans must do something different because whenever I have gone for my appointment I have never had to put paper sheets over my legs and then wear another one for my top... we just lie on the table naked and wait for the doctor... I'm kidding. Seriously though, they give us a 'respectable' gown to wear. I do love how the doctor always says "this may be a bit uncomfortable"... ya think???

September 27, 2007 7:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

raw chicken and now this? is your blog theme this week, Worst Things EVER? Can't think of a gyno story off the top of my head, but yeah, awkward every time!

September 27, 2007 10:13 PM

Blogger britentj said...

Not sure what dr Leesha sees,, but I must get his name,, I have always been giving the oversized paper towel for my legs, and the one with arm holes for my top! How sad!! Which reminds me,, I must schedule my next appt,,, it is 4 yrs overdue, dang it!

September 30, 2007 4:53 PM

Blogger Ashby said...

And if you think those visits are bad, wait until you are pregnant and you get to have the full hand up there moving the baby head around. My husband was the one who felt violated after watching that!

September 30, 2007 9:22 PM

Blogger Ashby said...

oh....and PS....I was blog hopping the other day to see how many people I'd have to go through before I found someone on my list of friends. You were the friend I found after about 5 or 6 hops! LOL!

September 30, 2007 9:23 PM

Blogger SW Portraits said...

This is all too true!! All the memories are rushing back and now I'm freking out about my next month's appointment. What a bummer...

October 01, 2007 4:05 PM

Blogger Kadi said...

Seriously, hilarious and so true. I was cracking up reading this entire post. You say things so well and so funny.

October 02, 2007 12:10 AM

Blogger The Richardsons said...

my friends mom tries to lessen the awkwardness by playing pranks on the doctor. She has strung Christmas lights around her legs, and even snuck in a REAL TURKEY to hide under the sheet to give the doc a nice surprise when he went to have a look!

October 03, 2007 1:09 PM

Blogger janaya said...

melissa: SHUT UP!! hahahaha. lessen the awkwardness!?

October 03, 2007 1:25 PM


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