“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Unknown

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

10 days of thanksgiving countdown - day 10

i decided that i need a change of pace around here. sure, it sometimes feels good to complain (thank goodness for me, i do it so well), and it's often more entertaining to poke fun at things... but i think it's time to change my tune (for a few days, at least). so, i'm going to do a 10 day countdown to thanksgiving, by talking about the things i'm grateful for. 'cause as much as complaining feels good... being grateful feels a whole lot better. (and i'll try to avoid laying the cheese on thick.)


i'll start out my countdown by saying, i am grateful for technology... i love technology, for all you napoleonites out there. it may seem like a silly thing to be grateful for... maybe even something that you'd only expect the daughter of a computer geek to say (fancy that), but i really do. because of technology, i get to work from home. i will forever be grateful for this time of my life, when burton and i are home together most of the day. and i'm so grateful that i can work from virtually anywhere.

i also get to stay in touch with my parents in canada for free (well, besides paying for the actual internet). i get to touch base with so many of my dear friends on a much more consistent basis than if it required me to write a letter. though, back in the day, when i was sending friends on missions and paying for long distance to call the next town over, i did have a pretty complex system of keeping track of letters written, letters received, and letters needing reply. but now, it's simple. and i love it.

i'm particularly grateful for technology today, because today my internet went down for the majority of the day. which means i spent the majority of the day in a panic trying to get it back up, since my office phone runs through my internet connection as well. comcast got a healthy dose of "frustrated janaya" today, and although they were of no assistance (see how quickly a gratitude post turns into a complaining post? ... but watch how fast i switch it back!)... burton was my lifesaver! he fixed it. so i'm also grateful for a husband who works so hard in school that he ended up with an entire day with nothing to do, but help me fix the internet.

yeah, for technology! (and over-achieving husbands!)



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