“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Unknown

Monday, November 12, 2007

a padded room sounds quiet

i really really REALLY want to be the kind of person who doesn't get easily irritated by things. but alas... i am not. as i type this, i am already in kind of a grumpy mood (work... the sucky stock market... work... not being out of town still... work... did i mention the sucky stock market?), so it's making the irritation meter a lot more sensitive than it might be otherwise. BUT... there are about 6 things happening to me simultaneously right now that are making me want to scream (again... because, yes... i have literally already thrown my laptop and slammed a door whilst kind of screaming... but more like grunting):

the elderly couple upstairs (bless their sweet hearts... i really do like them) have their grandkids over... and as much as i love kids... CAN THEY PLEASE STOP RUNNING!!!?!?!? it literally sounds like they're running in circles... stomping their feet as they go. and then stopping to wrestle every 45 seconds.

each time they stomp, the window next to me rattles. loudly. constantly.

someone upstairs is playing the piano. and if they were my child, i might be proud... but they're not... so the feeling is something more akin to hate.

burton doesn't have homework right now, so he's playing a game on his laptop... and each time he does something right, there's a little tinkerbell noise that plays through his headphones... i can still hear it. i love him... but the game needs to beat it.

there's at least 4 or 5 other noises i'm hearing right now that are driving me batty. and i have a headache. but... all things considered, i'm still overreacting. is this the part where they try to convince me that a nice white room with padded walls will ease my mind and calm me down? oh, and this jacket with arms that tie around the back is just to help me relax.

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Blogger Kate said...

I know the feeling... I am sorry... I hope you feel better tomorrow... a good run or walk outside relieves the tension for me.

November 12, 2007 10:19 PM

Blogger Melanie said...

Oh apartment life - how I do not miss it. We had upstairs neighbours with kids who would run and run and run and then bang on the window - it sounded like we were in the room with them. Hopefully it is only noises like that you hear and not the other cover your ear noises you so often experience in apartments!! :o)

November 13, 2007 8:52 AM

Blogger Higa said...

if it makes you feel better, for the last three or four nights a cat has been howling outside. I think it's in heat. I also stayed in a dorm room for six weeks once where I swear they were having WWF competitions plus they were smoking pot so not only was I irritated, I also had the munchies.

November 13, 2007 5:29 PM

Blogger whitney said...

love those grandkids running around... :)

November 15, 2007 11:53 AM

Blogger Lizzie said...

I was shaking with laughter while i read this post--is that insensitive? Anyway, we lived underneath a couple with a 18-mo. old son who never, ever went to bed before 11pm. And would run, back and forth, back and forth between the bedroom (right above ours!) and the living room as late as, oh, midnight or so. And that was only part of all the many things we heard from them. :) Ahhhh...thanks for the mini-opportunity to vent!

November 17, 2007 11:54 PM


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