“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Unknown

Thursday, November 08, 2007


so... i realized today (actually, i've realized this before today, but it was refreshed in my mind today) that there are a lot of people out there... most people, it sometimes seems... who are completely oblivious to the weird and annoying things about them. for example:

people who interrupt
people who brag
people who have to be right ALL the time
people who have to be in charge
people who say "ummm" every other word
people who say "you know" before and/or after every sentence
people who awkwardly laugh at the wrong moments or for no reason
people who repeat themselves
people who repeat themselves
people who invite themselves to things
people who lie about little things all the time
people who talk too much
people who talk too little
people who are picky
people who complain about everything

you get my point. and even though, about 80% of the list above describes me (... ok... 90%), and i know that... i have to wonder... what annoying things about me do i not know?

and so i ask you first... what annoying things about you are you fully aware of, but can't seem to kick?

and then i hesitantly ask you (if you feel so inclined to answer)... what annoying things about me do you think i'm completely oblivious to... and you wish i wasn't? :) be nice. but seriously... i can't take the thought of being one of those people who hasn't got a clue.

i'm going to regret this huh? :)

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Blogger Cormorant said...

Oh this is EASY! I smack my gum. I do it ALL the time. And I know it's a typical valley-girl habit, but I could care less. I LIKE smacking my gum. It feels nice.

And I also slurp my cereal, depending on the variety. Again, I don't even care. If it's Cinnamon Toast Crunch, look out...I'll be slurping.

And that's it. No more annoying things about me. Other than those two, I'm just about perfect. HA!

November 09, 2007 12:13 AM

Blogger Mrs. Dub said...

i interrupt, i talk too much, i always have to one-up a story (although not intentionally, i just have a huge sampling of amazing stories for some odd reason) ... the list could go on. i think i've topped you at about 95% of that list.

ummm ... i don't think i say ummm all the time, though.

as for your faults - you don't realize that you aren't that bad.

November 09, 2007 8:07 AM

Blogger Higa said...

I have road rage... this one time i actually got out of the car at a light and started yelling at someone through their window... I'm kidding. I do have a bit of road rage. I know that I can be judgmental sometimes... I try not to do most of those things on your list and I'd like to say that I am pretty good but if we're oblvious to it then we won't know.
As for you... you do interrupt in msn ALL the time. Just kidding. I am not around you enough to even cast light on it.

November 09, 2007 12:21 PM

Blogger rachel demartin said...

this question has made me decide i don't know you well enough. i can't think of anything...i am pretty sure i've seen becki smack her gum though :? (that's a smirk.) come on dorkie, i know you want to know the truth so...the only thing i can think of you're too nice/pc. check it out: your so nice, its hard to know (with your 400 face book friends:) how to gauge the value of our friendship. but check it out: i think most of us do the same thing. we want to be liked, we want to be the favorite. but we are not always sure how much we like others. i do it. but i am oblivious to how much i do it. you did want honesty right? i know one of mine, "i'm too honest--i take people at face value: it makes people mad." better to be pc.

November 12, 2007 2:07 AM

Blogger jillian said...

I say the word "like" way too much. I am also rather outspoken and speak before I think. Which gets me into trouble....especially with roommates. Sigh.

And I don't think you're all that bad either. You're not oblivious to your faults, which is good. But you're totally tolerable to be around. :)

November 12, 2007 2:22 AM

Blogger janaya said...

becki: i don't know what smacking gum is, but if it's popping the gum inside your mouth... i do it too.

mrs. dub: sometimes i think we are the same person (sans child and a husband with a sweet fro).

leesh: i'm sure you could list off a thousand weird things about me in highschool though. :)

rachel: i think that's really important! facebook (and blogging) has definitely added a new dimension to my life that i have tried hard to avoid for years - shallow friendships. it's also renewed some old friendships that mean a lot to me. and it's created some new friendships that i am so grateful for. but you're right, it's important not to do it for the sake of "being popular" (which i suppose there's an element of in my motivation). thanks for being honest. :)

jillian: thanks! i was going for tolerable. ;) haha.

November 12, 2007 11:26 AM

Blogger Ashby said...

Well, since I don't really "know" you in real-life....just in the blogosphere, I'd have to say you don't have any.

As for me, I think that list just described all of mine to a T. I try to make a conscience effort to not do things, but truth be told, sometimes its....ummm...too hard.

November 13, 2007 2:16 PM

Blogger Morgan said...

so I'm a little behind on this, but I think I talk too much and interrupt people. I try really hard not to though, but sometimes it is not until after the fact that I am like: dangit, I did it again. I just get so caught up in the conversation, I can't help myself.

November 13, 2007 7:34 PM

Blogger Alison said...

A-MEN!!! to all of those.
My additions: people who chew with their mouth open/smack when they're doing it
people who leave the cupboards open (this is my husband - he seriously doesn't realize he does this)
people who butt into conversations really dont' realize they're butting in. they just do it.
I'm an interrupter, but I'm not oblivious to it. since I'm a reporter, I often have to cut people off in the interest of both of our time. I am a little redundant in talking - I don't repeat myself, but just say the same thing in two different ways.

March 10, 2008 7:13 PM


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