dun dun dun duunnnn
holy crap, it's here. like a thief in the night, today came and stole my twenties. luckily, on thursday i went and colored my hair (for the first time in 6 months. heaven help me, it's freaking expensive) so at least i don't have the grey hairs mocking me today. though, there are some perpetual bags under my eyes, and some wrinkles that definitely weren't there when i entered the 3rd decade of my life.
the thing that's really making me feel old these days isn't what you might think though (aside from the fact that today i turned 30)... it's new kids on the block. that's right. nkotb. 'cause they're back, you know? like, performing concerts and people are talking about them and actually saying things like "their show was really good. donny is so hot." ('cause donny IS so hot, you know... thank goodness i'm married or i might have to pull out the poster again). BUT... did you know they're almost 40? not that 40 is THAT old or anything (or at least i'm trying to convince myself of that since it's only 10 years away). but when you're thinking about people who used to plaster your walls... that you may or may not have stared at and daydreamed about... 40 hits like a ton of bricks. could i possibly be old enough that nkotb is 40? little joe mcintyre... over the hill? (but still singing falsetto, i might add).
anyway, for the record, my twenties were great. i've tried a couple times to sit down and sum it up, but it's tough. i start with a list of the monumental things that happened during this decade of my life, but "graduated from college, met and married my husband, moved across the country", just doesn't seem to do this decade justice. when i think of my 20s, i think of great friends. truly great friends. laughing a lot. boys. broken hearts. more boys. falling in love. silly pictures. immigration (blah). roommates. provo. lots of provo. rent. buying my first car (she was cheap and got me where i needed to go), and my second car (ah, my love), and my third car (the practical one). marrying my missionary (ah, fer cute). well... i'll stop. but my 20s were good. so bring on my 30s! i'm ready. i can take it. (pass me the hair dye and my wrinkle cream).
Labels: birthday, getting older
When the NKOTB start dying from old age, then you may feel old. But until then, relish in the fact that you are hot, youthful, and married to a younger man.
December 08, 2008 9:39 AM
yeah, i used to think 40 was practically dead, but i was 12. mathematically speaking, you are still in your youth. enjoy!
December 08, 2008 9:58 AM
Happy Birthday!
December 08, 2008 1:37 PM
oh janaya!! happy b-day!!! you are hilarious... i'm getting there myself and i'm glad to see you taking it so good :D
plus... you have no 4y ear old giving talks in primary to make you feel old!!
December 08, 2008 1:59 PM
So which wrinkle cream works best? I always wonder...
December 08, 2008 2:56 PM
Janaya, I am right behind you (a month exactly, actually). I hope you had a fun day aside from a dose of reality.
love and hugs!
December 08, 2008 8:06 PM
Happy birthday!
December 08, 2008 9:00 PM
Happy birthday!
You know what makes me feel old? Today's fashions. I am officiallly fashion-backward. I am so not ready for those 90210 vests.
And ya I might have to post about this.
but really! Happy birthday!
December 11, 2008 12:46 AM
Oh man...I feel like going to California Pizza Kitchen and celebrating for you! We miss you guys and wish we were around to see you this Christmas!
P.S. We passed your old place and I somehow got the thought in my head (even though its been awhile) "We should see if the Ramptons want to go too!" (tear)
December 11, 2008 11:46 AM
Hey, can I get your guys address for Christmas card? just send it to hmg_thompson@hotmail.com
December 12, 2008 1:19 PM
Happy Birthday! If it makes you feel any better, you don't look close to 30 and you're still a hottie.
December 14, 2008 12:06 AM
Glad I got to celebrate with you. Oh, and I'm glad that in your 20s, we became sisters (super fun and lucky me!)
December 15, 2008 3:07 PM
P.s. Your hair looks great! I meant to tell you that when I saw you last. Totally worth the money to not have those gray hairs mocking, right? Just tell your future kids they will have to pay for their own college;-)
December 15, 2008 3:13 PM
Happy Birthday! Troy and I were watching Aeon Flux the other day and thought that she kind of looked like you. So you may be 30, but at least you can still kick A !
December 16, 2008 12:59 AM
ha ha! I'm still in my 20's!!! Even if it's only for 2 more year.. ok, getting closer to one... and so I probably already have more gray hair........ help!
December 19, 2008 1:09 AM
SUCH a funny post and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I'll be joining you in May. NOT too happy about that. But yeah, I totally agree on the whole NKOTB thing! Your teen crushes aren't suppose to ever get old!!
I'm so glad I was a small - but messed up part of your life in your 20's! ;) The boys and broken heart thing... SO not cool! You are awesome Janaya!! And let me know if there are any weird growths on your body - like what I hear happens in your 30's. YIKES!!
And may I ask - what was your "love" of a car?
December 30, 2008 5:32 PM
NKOTB was my first concert. 8 years old. I threw friendship bracelets on the stage. Rad.
January 09, 2009 10:42 PM
Okay- this is a funny post- enjoy thirty because the years keep rolling by!!! Thanks for the 'pep talk' - I needed it...and believe it or not- I did the two things that I was talking about... today!!! Okay- one day at a time- I can't get too excited. BTW- you and your husband live in Provo, right? I am thinking you moved... any how= hope things are well!
January 16, 2009 1:48 AM
happy belated birthday. my thirties have proven a very conflicting time...for my skin. i have major acne AND wrinkles. special. wrinkles are the worst and wrinkle creams are a bunch of crap. i think it may be time to see a dermatologist. Before 31 finds me with something else to add to the hormonal mix, like eczema or facial hair or something.
January 26, 2009 9:37 PM
Hey you! I need your wit. Give me something to READ!
February 05, 2009 11:07 PM
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