“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Unknown

Monday, June 04, 2007

holy super lazy batman!

so life in general has been pretty much insane the last few months and i really haven't made my blog a priority. in summary: burton had finals. i had work. we had a trip to europe to plan. i had to fly to canada for a week to renew my passport so we could go to europe. we had to pack everything we own into WAY too many categories (items for europe, items for the three weeks at burton's parents before we leave for the summer, items for the summer in DC, everything else we need to move back down to provo when we get back... because packing didn't SUCK enough already!). then we had to move everything we own into a storage room and try to keep all the things we needed for the next few months from ending up at the bottom of a heap of boxes. a day or so later, we left for europe for two weeks. got back, moved into burton's parents and began repeatedly asking "shoot... where is this and where is that... have you seen this... any idea where that is?" LAME! moving... grrr. and three weeks and a 30-hour drive later... we're alive and well in washington, dc.

burton has his first day at work today. this is his second internship in dc and a great one to add to his resume. something about jason bourne and secret missions. :) jk. i'd love to tell you what he does... but then i'd have to kill you. :) kidding again. i would love to tell you what he will be doing... but we have no idea really. i'm hoping he'll come home today and i can give you a better idea... and THEN i'll have to kill you! :)

and well... as for me... sure, it's 8:44 AM in utah... but it's 10:44 AM in dc... and i'm still in bed. i hate this transition. time zones. making an early morning that much earlier. blah.

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