“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Unknown

Monday, June 18, 2007

i know tim mcgraw is true...

(UPDATED: ok... so since last monday's FHE lesson was based on elder holland's talk about our tongues being "an unruly evil, full of deadly poison" AND someone who attended this meeting found this post -- although, they gave me a hearty "hear hear" -- i felt compelled to make some adjustments to this post and make my words less venomous...)

there is something inherently evil about making fun of people in church. and when i am tempted to, i suddenly find myself with my face cupped in my hands... a combination of trying not to laugh and praying "PLEEEEASE make these thoughts go away!? please please please make me a kinder, more compassionate person who recognizes the good in other people and doesn't find humor in their unfortunate inability to write a talk." but this sunday was father's day. and i LOVE father's day. i love my dad, and i love thinking of fun stories about my dad (i love mother's day equally for clarification... but this post is about father's day)... and generally speaking, i end up teary-eyed in church while someone talks about the blessings of fathers, etc etc. this father's day, i will admit, i still had a few of those moments... but it was slightly overshadowed by the overwhelming feeling i had to gouge my eyes out with a fork hug everyone around me.

now, at the risk of someone somewhere in the future finding this blog and recognizing that i'm talking about them or their daughter or their friend or whatever in the hope that everyone will find this and think i'm a really sweet person and always have nice things to say about people... umm, well... i'm still going to tell you this story.

four girls, returning home for the summer from various colleges, were asked to speak about father's day and talk a little bit about their experience at college (first mistake was allowing 20 year old girls this much flexibility in their speaking assignment... we're lucky we didn't hear about how bobby broke their heart... anyway... what a wonderful idea this was). they were each asked to speak for 8 minutes... i know this because each in turn mentioned that they had been asked to speak for 8 minutes right about the 12 or 13 minute mark and they were really good at trying hard to stay within those 8 minutes.

the first talked about byu and how byu was the best place for her, but not for everyone and how she had been raised to think byu was the only place she could go and how she never thought she would actually go, and spent just a little too much time talking about byu... and a little less time talking about... well, what do most people go to church to talk about again? ;) and i love byu, so it was great! ANYway... here's me typing away... knowing every letter i type is one letter closer to total condemnation bliss.

so... number two gets up. this is where the fork would have been handy for the eye gouging i really wanted to hug people. i'm going to skip the part where she talked about her dad... 'cause honestly, this is where i got a little misty... so i'll give her that much. but, let's go straight to the part where she held up her copy of the "Father of the Bride" DVD and quoted george banks (which she admitted to playing over and over again so she could be sure she got the quote "just right"... which was so thoughtful of her) as he talked about his little girl growing up, it was so sweet. and then let's skip to the part where she read THREE verses of a tim mcgraw song about a father losing his daughter as she grew up (i love tim mcgraw), but like she realized that like the song was like kind of hard to read 'cause like it's totally "country" and like says words like "ain't" and "ya'll" so she like decided at the last minute to like write it out in like normal words so she could totally like read it normal. AND i'm not exaggerating. AND i'm going STRAIGHT to hell for this one... BUT... it was like totally worth it. ;) which was a really good idea, and i appreciated it.

and the third speaker was actually really good and the fourth had to be postponed to next sunday... because when you're 20, apparently it's too difficult to look at the clock and realize you've been speaking for twice as long as you should have you're just so wonderful, and i love you.

and of course, the little primary kids singing "i'm so glad when daddy comes home" made me want to hug each and every one of them and thank them for being such angels. maybe i'll get bonus points for that one in heaven and it will all even itself out.

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Blogger i'm jackie. he's doug. said...

Ha!!! That is hilarious! I love that she had to translate the Tim McGraw lyrics before they could become true doctrine. Priceless!

June 18, 2007 10:37 PM

Blogger Mrs. Dub said...

i'm just glad this happened in your ward and not ours. because mr. dub woud likely leave the church over such behavior. (though i will say he has a soft spot for steve martin.)

June 19, 2007 9:47 AM

Blogger whitney said...

HAHA! i'm still rolling on the floor and it's really hard to type when you're rolling on the floor. :) i wish i was sitting right next to you as this was happening. i probably would have been actually laughing out loud and then we'd both go to hell... hey, if you got to go, you might as well have company.

June 19, 2007 6:46 PM

Blogger janaya said...

i have no fear that i will be in good company "down there"... plus, i'm pretty sure the music will be better. ;)

June 19, 2007 6:50 PM

Blogger Wonderland Girl said...

I am sooooo glad I'm not the only one thinking these kinds of thoughts in church!!! Fast meetings make my hands sweaty and make me look at the clock UNCONTROLLABLY. One of my favs was a lady thanking the Lord for hearing her prayer that she was disappointed they were out of oranges at the grocery store at christmas-time and a neighbor brought her some. (This was a very weepy testimony...for her.) AGhhhh. On an unrelated topic, I get really sick on the first Sunday of the month a lot. Hmmm...ith a mythtery.

June 21, 2007 10:47 AM

Blogger Ashby said...

You have no idea who I am and vice versa (I found you through a friend's blog), but since the LDS world is a small one I'm not sure if you'll laugh or cry when I tell you I was in the same meeting! I was in town visiting my family, and so you don't feel like you are alone, those talks were the topic of conversation over family dinner that night! Thanks for the laugh, I think you hit the nail on the head in describing the meeting.

June 23, 2007 7:48 PM

Blogger janaya said...

see... you all proved my point... no worries about the company "down there". :)

ok... but seriously, HOW THE CRAP does that happen? i NEVER in a million years would have thought someone from that meeting would EVER lay eyes on this post. haha. you've got me nervous to say the least. ;)

June 23, 2007 11:28 PM

Blogger Ashby said...

See, it really is a small world! But no worries. I think 95% of the congregation felt the same way you did (at least from what I've heard). The other 5% were either asleep or not listening. And I'm pretty sure my mom would have gladly given you the fork for the eye gouging! In all seriousness....your secret is safe with me!

On another note, how long are you in that ward for? We are moving back to the area in a few weeks. Maybe we'll see you there!

June 24, 2007 1:41 AM

Blogger Lizzie said...

Hey J - it's Elizabeth (Melissa's friend). I check out your blog from time to time and always love the in depth stories... but this one definately tops the favorite blog chart. I was laughing so hard and reliving so many of those painful moments that I too have shared. I LOVE the editing and in some way that level of sarcasm makes it even better! Thanks for the dose of humor!

June 26, 2007 2:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi... this is your computer consultant Dad trying to figure out how this $#%!@$# thing works... the REAL message I thought I sent this AM obviously didn't go anywhere..

I guess in someways, I hope this one goes nowhere too!

Love Dad

June 26, 2007 9:02 PM

Blogger janaya said...

hahaha. sorry dad. nice cyber swearing. :)

June 26, 2007 9:03 PM

Blogger The Richardsons said...

If you ever need a letter of recommendation for a job as a satirical columnust for the tribune, I am prepared to endorse you whole-heartedly! Janaya that was hilarious, and I agree with Lizzie about the editing making it even more hilarious. I wish I could have you with me in all those "they can't be serious" moments so I could laugh even harder!

June 28, 2007 3:03 PM

Blogger Kadi said...

Janaya, that was hilarious...I wish I could have been there. I love how you told the whole story with the editing. If those sort of thoughts send you to hell, then I guess I will be seeing you down there!

June 30, 2007 4:54 PM

Blogger Kadi said...

Hey, sorry, also...I hope all is going well there in DC. It's fun to read about your experiences. Whit brings me up to speed with you guys, but just so you know...we miss you and Burton.

June 30, 2007 4:56 PM


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